söndag 27 november 2016

Muchacho Fa

 An Heriksnäs day, Muchacho in the bag and it´s a nice new addiction to Västervik. The area got some more exploring and i did eventually reach the spot i located on google maps. This spot was the reason for finding the caves and al the other stuff I've been babbling about. This area of half island have good potential and hopefully i have time for one more visit tmrw :) The new find spot is a big block 5 min walk from the cave and around it is walls and more boulders...

torsdag 24 november 2016

Henriksnäs a new area in the south

Weeks of living in aquarium finally came to an end, used the time wisely and did find a new big Quality area. Henriksnäs is an half island and is close to Slingsö and Vargblocken. The area is the biggest with a lot of caves and blocks and the quality is splendid. Today i did get a short session out there and used the time to find out the moves on one hardish roof climb... The forecast for the weekend are looking prime and i´m free :)