tisdag 6 september 2016

Alex Megos and Daniela Ebler on a visit !

Alex Megos and Daniela Ebler are on a visit to Västervik and got the tour on the south part witch was explored and developed last autumn and this spring/summer. Alex repeated al the worth does in short time and Daniela where put with an wire brush doing some new ones, actually there where four new ones done at the fade to black sector... Great inspiration !!!! :)  we will se what happens tomorrow, i left before Alex where done, trying hard on At war with reality Slingsö as always looking freak strong and unstoppable... hopefully they will like the resort at Tovehult where Lena and Peter will take care of them. This place is astonishing and beautiful and a place real close to the climbing south of Västervik. Have a look at www.tovehult.se and make sure to book upp there in the future thats my recommendation.